Our Safety Plan
Meet the standards set by forth by the CDC
We have been so proud to continue to offer a space of wellness and health at Avant both during this COVID-19 pandemic. Whether in clinic for visits or on telehealth, patients have had amazing success stories. This is due to the willingness of our staff and our patient community to uphold our rigorous safety protocols and show up with their game faces on. Please read on to understand how we have adapted our safety plan to meet the standards set forth by the CDC and by Governor Inslee for health care facilities. Expectations for both our staff and our patients are specified.
But first! A few things to clarify.
Our Safety Plan
Meet the standards set by forth by the CDC
Effective April 3, 2023, the mask mandate related to Covid-19 has been lifted. Masking is optional at Avant on April 3, 2023 and beyond. We ask that if you have a respiratory virus with a cough or cold that you do mask still while in the clinic. If you have a fever, please do not come to PT until you have surpassed 24 hours fever-free without need for fever breaking medication.
If you are still simply more comfortable in a mask, you are welcome to still bring and wear one to suit your needs.
Staff health standards: Our fully vaccinated staff and volunteers continue to maintain our high standards of in clinic sanitation and hygiene including:
- Hand washing between every patient and after manual therapy as appropriate
- Sanitizing of all plinths, exercise equipment, and any surfaces regularly touched by staff or patients
- Linens are laundered between each use
What if you’ve been diagnosed with Covid-19?: You can return to PT 5 days following first onset of symptoms assuming you have been fever free for 48 hours with no medication needed to break a fever in this time frame. The CDC does still advise mask wearing for 10 days after first symptom onset.
We are grateful that we can work together to keep our staff, our patients, and our community healthy.
Safety Protocols
“Fully vaccinated” means that you have had 2 weeks since your last dose of Pfizer or Moderna or 2 weeks since your only dose of Johnson and Johnson vaccine. In addition you have had one dose of your Booster.
- Symptoms of Covid-19 include, but are not limited to the following:
- Cough
- Respiratory cold like symptoms
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fever
- Chills
- Muscle pain unrelated to activity
- Sore throat
- New loss of taste or smell
- Headache
Please bring your own mask to PT.
Staff health standards: Our fully vaccinated staff and volunteers continue to maintain our high standards of in clinic sanitation and hygiene with some updates to meet Covid-19 protocols. Washington State continues to require face masks at all healthcare facilities at this time.
- Self-screening for any symptoms of Covid-19 daily
- PPE including a 3 layer medical mask for all patient interactions and gloves as requested by patient or preferred by provider
- Hand washing between every patient and after manual therapy as appropriate
- Exhaustive cleaning of all plinths, exercise equipment, and any surfaces regularly touched by staff or patients
- Linens are laundered between each use
Patient health standards:
- A mask: Please wear a double layer, fitted cotton mask, medical mask, or KN95 for PT. Buffs do not stay in place during exercise and lead to frequent touching of the mask, which can increase risk of respiratory droplet spread. Your mask should completely cover both your mouth and nose at all times. Cloth masks should be washed prior to coming to PT to limit any cross contamination. Medical masks should be only used once/mask. Wondering if you’ve got that mask on correctly? Check out this great article in the NY Times. There are NO exceptions to this.
- If you have a confirmed case of COVID, we ask that you isolate from PT for 5 days, returning only after you have no fever for 48 hours without need for fever breaking meds and mild respiratory symptoms at most.
- Please bring your own water bottle to PT. The benefit of this is twofold! Less waste and less contact/cross contamination for us.
Exposure Policies: An exposure includes >15 minutes, non masked in close proximity to someone with a confirmed case of Covid within 48 hours of their confirmed case or first symptoms.
- If you are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic after an exposure, you can return to PT as long as you have had a negative Covid test. Please utilize a KN95 in PT for the 5 days following your exposure.
- If you are not fully vaccinated, we recommend you wait 5 days, test negative, and then return to PT for in clinic visits. We are happy to see you via telehealth in this time.
- Regardless of if you are vaccinated or not, if you are symptomatic following an exposure, please do not return to PT until 5 days after exposure assuming no fever for more than 48 hours and mild cold symptoms at most.
Thank you for honoring all of our guidelines. Please let us know if we need to transition your appointment to telehealth in the short run. We are so happy that we have many options for meeting your goals for PT.